Scripting Documentation


KELT-S Scripting Documentation



The KELT-S telescope is run primarily by two applications sold by the manufacturer of our Mount, Software Bisque.  These applications are CCDSoft, which controls the Camera, and TheSky6, which controls the mount.  Since these are Windows-based applications, the Control Computer runs Windows.  In order to write scripts to automate the telescope operations, we use VBScript, which can talk to both applications, issue commands to them, and manipulate the Windows environment.  Below is an outline of the scripts that we run each night to conduct the tasks.



At all hours, the computer continuously runs the weather extraction script to read data from SALT or SuperWASP weather feeds, saving that data to a file. 

At noon each day, the Almanac Script runs to extract the times of astronomical twilight and dawn for that night, along with the position of the moon.

Each afternoon (3pm local time), the master script is called, and waits until the specified activation time to continue.

At 1 hour before 18 degree (astronomical) twilight, the master script executes the preparation script. Flats and biases are taken, then flats, and the weather is checked. If all looks good, the master script executes the opening script, and then the observation script. If weather is not good, the standby script is executed. The observation script runs through the night. At astronomical dawn, the master script executes the closing script, and then shuts down itself.  Some time after closing, the documentation script is run.



Preparation Script    (Executed once at astronomical twilight)




Opening Script   (executed at beginning of the night of observing)




Observation Script    (executed continuously through the night of observing)




Standby Script     (executed continuously through the night of observing when in standby mode)





Closing Script      (executed once at the end of a night of observing)




Documentation Script      (executed once at the end of a night of observing, after the Closing Script)